

Α. Registration of Energy Auditors from other Member States

Energy Auditors licensed and/or certified in other Member States may establish themselves in the Republic of Cyprus and practice the profession of Energy Auditor provided that they are registered in the National Register of Energy Auditors. This registration is made by an application to the Competent Authority (Energy Service of the Ministry of Energy Commerce & Industry) using the application form in in Annex V of the Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services (Energy Auditors) Regulations of 2012 (K.D.P. 184/2012).

The application examination fee for registering in the Energy Auditors Register is 200 EUR.


Β. Temporary and Occasional exercise of Energy Auditor services by Energy Auditors from other Member States

An Energy auditor established in another Member State may carry out Energy Audits in the Republic of Cyprus without registering and without the obligation to issue a licence, provided that he  moves to the Republic in order to exercise his services temporarily and occasionally in order to carry out a specific Energy Audit and as long as in the Member State he is established, he exercises legally the profession of Energy Auditor and has the right to carry out Audits similar to those which he intends to carry out in the Republic of Cyprus.

The Energy auditor who intends to provide services in the Republic of Cyprus, according to the aforesaid paragraph, before the start of such services, must notify the Competent Authority (Energy Service of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry) in writing.

The Competent Authority assesses on a case-by-case basis the temporary and occasional nature of the provision of an Energy Audit service particularly in relation to its duration, frequency, periodicity and continuity.

An Energy Auditor established in a Member State temporarily providing his services according to the above, shall be subject to the professional or administrative provisions of the Cypriot law, but shall not be required to register or participate as a member in local or other associations

Processing times vary from 1 to 4 months.


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