i. A project:
a) for which an application was submitted to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for electricity/gas and was included in the ten-Year Network Development Plan and
b) for which an application was submitted to ENTSO-E/ENTSO-G and was included in the EU 10-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) is entitled to apply for inclusion in the Union list of projects of common interest (PCIs) and projects of mutual interest (PMIs), provided that it fulfils the selection criteria laid down in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2022/869.
ii. For a project included in the Union List, the project promoter can initiate the permit-granting process, which consists of the following two procedures as described in Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 347/13:
ii. Permit granting procedure
a) The pre-application procedure, which starts with the written notification of the project by the project promoter and ends with the acceptance of the notification by the National Competent Authority (NCA). This procedure may not exceed 24 months.
b) The statutory permit granting procedure which is continuous to the above procedure and covers the period from the date of acceptance of the submitted application and until the adoption of a comprehensive decision i.e the overall permitting consent of the project. The duration of this procedure shall not exceed 18 months.
The combined duration of the two procedures must not exceed a period of 42 months. Where there is a need to extend the duration of authorisation, the NCA may extend the permit-granting process by a maximum of 9 months for both procedures.
There is a possibility to finance PCIs and PMIs from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Energy).
PCIs and PMIs can apply for financing from the Connecting Europe Facility for the energy sector. The request is submitted by the project promoter following a call by the Connecting Europe Facility.